Vitamin C
Questions and Answers About High-Dose Vitamin C What is high-dose vitamin C? Vitamin C (also called L-ascorbic acid or ascorbate) is a nutrient that humans must get from food or dietary supplements since it cannot be made in the body. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and helps prevent oxidative stress. It also works with enzymes
Low Back Pain in Runners
Low Back Pain in Running Athletes By Thomas Michaud, DC After 7 million years of adapting to upright postures, the lumbar spine and pelvis have become remarkably adept at managing ground-reactive forces associated with running. In fact, the inter-vertebral discs are so strong when standing upright that it is almost impossible to herniate a disc
Opioids: Big Bucks, Little Regard for Truth
By Editorial Staff It’s becoming more common to see drug manufacturers negotiate “false claims” settlements for millions and billions of dollars. Most of these settlements have to do with violations in the marketing of the drugs they produce and sell. Wikipedia lists the top 20 settlements involving “false claims” by drug manufacturers, which total more than $17
Small Relief, Big Potential Side Effects
In September 2012, the CDC and the FDA began investigating a multistate outbreak of fungal meningitis and other infections among patients who had received contaminated steroid injections. The contaminated vials were tracked back to a New England compounding center in Framingham, Mass. The cases included fungal meningitis; localized spinal or paraspinal infections, including epidural abscess,