Those With Spinal Pain Live Shorter Lives
‘MY BACK’S KILLING ME’ Shared by Dr. Ranzetti and Progressive Chiropractic of Virginia Beach VA Don’t ignore that niggling back pain… ‘it really CAN kill you – raising your risk of early death by 13%”. Older people who suffer back pain were found to be at 13 per cent increased risk of dying early from
Kegel Exercise For Mens Bladder Incontinence
Kegel Exercises: Treating Male Urinary Incontinence What Are Kegel Exercises for Men? How Can Men Do Kegel Exercises? When Will You See Results from Kegel Exercises? 3 Tips to Help Make Kegel Exercises a Habit Male urinary incontinence is both preventable and manageable. Kegel exercises can help you take control of your leaky bladder. While exercises can help immensely, with
Steroids for Sciatica: More Trouble Than They’re Worth
By Deborah Pate, DC, DACBR Use of epidural steroid injections has increased dramatically in recent years, despite the fact that studies have failed to demonstrate evidence this procedure is clinically helpful (while other studies suggest it may actually be dangerous). Considering that lack of evidence – not to mention the terrible 2012 outbreak of fungal
Why Chiropractic
Three Reasons to Choose Chiropractic… Superior patient satisfaction ratings, reduced costs, similar outcomes to medical care, suggests latest study. By Editorial Staff Considering the percentage of patients who’ve either never seen a DC (meaning they likely visit a medical doctor first / exclusively) or have seen a DC, but no longer do (suggesting they currently
Visual Space Effects
I’ve had a lot of questions lately about using visual effects to change the appearance of a room, such as making a tall room look wider or a short room look taller. I’ve responded to a number of those privately, but thought I’d do better to finally have that information see the light of day,
How does Chiropractic work?
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